Monday, May 4, 2009

May 1, 2009

The day of Jacob's first "friend" birthday party!
Jacob took some of the 48 cupcakes I made in to school for his class treat, along with cute raccoon hand puppets that Grandma P made for each of his classmates.

After school, the moms followed us home (Jacob B. insisted on riding with us while his mom followed close behind :) ). The boys were dropped off and the fun began. Mom C. came to help me out and Jon asked his mom to stay (and I put her to work, too!). We had the big inflatable blow-up bouncer outside and two games planned: an egg race and pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, but with a Darth Vader twist. The boys had fun and I had to come up with a couple more games on-the-fly because they seemed to enjoy a structured activity. One boy commented that he thought our house was like a hotel. Hmmm....compliment or not? I'm not sure!

Side note: I had not received an RSVP from Jon's mom by Wednesday, so at school I asked her if Jon was able to come to Jacob's party on Friday. She said she didn't know anything about it, so we talked and she said they would come. Well, today she tells me that she and Jon were walking into Wal-Mart to pick out a gift and she asked Jon, "What do you think Jacob would like for his birthday?" and he replied, "Oh, mom! He would love something from Star Wars. He even gave me a Star Wars card last week!" Ha! Ha! So, he got the invitation, but never showed his parents and they have no idea what Jon did with it!! Too funny.

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