Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 15, 2009

Today was Jacob's last day of preschool. What a bittersweet day. He thoroughly enjoyed school everyday and his teachers were very good. It's funny to think he might spend less time in school during a week of Kindergarten than in his pre-k class.
Tonight the grandparents joined us for the preschool graduation. It was held at 7pm for the 4-year-old classes as well as Jacob's 5-year-old class. About 75 students graduated. The church was standing-room-only as family lined the walls of the building. The school put together a movie that played on the big screens above the podium showing each student (a baby picture and a very recent picture with their graduation cap on) and various photos of class activities through the year. Each student was given a copy of the DVD. Of course I video'd the hour-long program, but still need to edit it. I will post it when it's completed.

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