Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 12, 2009

This is the last week of preschool already! Jacob is graduating Friday night and today was Kendall's last "Tuesday" of school this year. It's hard to believe another year is over. Though I am not going to miss driving Jacob to/from school every morning :).

Jacob had his 6-year-old well check at the pediatrician's. See Dr. Clark at left! He is 44" tall (10th percentile) and 37 pounds (barely on the growth chart). I thought for sure we might pass the 40 pound mark! Jacob did need two shots....he screamed bloody-murder, screaming "NEVER!" over and over again. I had to hold him down, etc., etc. I think we traumatized the nurse giving the shots. She kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." afterwards and even tracked us down in the lobby as we were leaving to give Jacob a handful of stickers. When we got in the car, I asked Jacob if he wanted to get ice cream, shop for some sandals he needs, or go home. His choice was to go home and call Anna and Ashley to come over to play. We did that. He called and his conversation was like this: "Hi, this is Jacob. Who's this? [Anna] Would you and Ashley be available to come over and play?" (he's so serious using the word "available"!) They had to study for a test first before they could come over. So Jacob took his lightsaber stuff and sat in the front yard and just waited, and waited, and waited sooo patiently for about 40 minutes (their driveway is pictured across the street). Finally, they came over and all the fun began!!
Jacob also had soccer practice tonight. After all that activity after his shots, he said they weren't really bothering him. Whew! Maybe next time will be better!


johnsarakylenesmom said...

I think Jacob and Kylene way the same amount :)

johnsarakylenesmom said...

Wow--can you tell it's been a long couple of weeks..."weigh" :)