Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 6, 2009

Luckily the kiddos are occupying themselves while I purge the attic, mark all the garage sale items, and load them in the Jeep to take to Lisa's! This morning Kendall painted a picture for Great-Grandpa "who broke his arm." Now, Great-Grandpa C. is fully recovered for over a year now, but Kendall still refers to him like that. Now, I have to remember to mail this to him (along with another picture she painted him a few weeks ago, too!).

Jacob has kept himself busy building his Lego set he got for his birthday. After hours of work and NO help from Mom, he finished it today. He even put all the stickers on nice and straight. It is certainly a cool police station and he is now enjoying playing with it.

Tonight, I attended a parent meeting for incoming Kindergartners. How exciting to talk about bus schedules, lunch menus, and to see the rooms. I think Jacob is going to love it.

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