Saturday, May 30, 2009

May 29, 2009

With Mark home this week on vacation, I've been doing a few things I otherwise would procrastinate: cleaning closets, coloring and highlighting my hair (at home), and hunting from bookstore to bookstore for a particular magazine - with no luck, etc., etc. Mark has used his week at home to get a few rounds of golf in, play Wii with the kids, and take them on bike rides & such. It's been a good week, but the time has flown by.

Today, Mark golfed with his dad and my dad. Grandma P. spent the afternoon with us while they were golfing. We enjoyed the sunshine outside, took a walk around the neighborhood, played Wii, and brought McDonald's home for dinner. Kendall was pretty tired after a full day. This picture was taken after her shower, in her P.J.'s and very much ready for bed. She was cozy on the couch while Grandma rubbed her back. Indulgence at it's best!

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