Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7, 2009

This morning was Breakfast with Buddies at preschool for the 3-year-olds. So, I had a donut with Kendall and she showed me things around the room like a little tour guide :). When it was time for me to go, she started bawling and clinging to me, saying she didn't want me to leave. Awwww. I did stay for "circle time" then gave her a quick kiss, said goodbye, and left quickly. I could hear her crying when I got out into the hall. Poor thing. She didn't even do that on Day 1 of preschool. (pic of Kendall at school (top))

When I picked her up, the teachers said she pulled herself together quickly, told them that her pants were scratchy (yes, she didn't want to put them on this morning), and took off her shirt to only wear the shirt she originally picked out this morning. It was sleeveless and it's just too chilly for that....our compromise (to get out the door in time) was to wear the shirt I picked out over top of it. ay.ay.ay. I guess she ended up wearing "her" shirt in school anyway.
(pics of Kendall in her sleeveless top that she insisted on wearing)

The kids are staying the night at Grandma & Grandpa C's tonight because of the garage sale preparation and kick off in the morning. Kendall even packed her own overnight bag, complete with toothbrush, underwear, socks, pajamas, and clothes. She also packed a back-pack with her favorites: a blankie and some stuffed animals. I was impressed that she could plan ahead and pack what she needed. Such a good girl! :)

I went to Lisa's to start setting up and there were a TON of people "shopping" our garage sale tonight. We made quite a few sales, but it was hard to get things done and keep the toys organized. As I left I couldn't find a Leap Frog game....I'm hoping no one walked away with it. Last year, I caught a woman "shoplifting" at our garage sale. It kind of tarnishes your outlook on people's integrity. Ugh.

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