Monday, May 4, 2009

May 2, 2009


Where has the time gone? Jacob is starting to look more mature, really losing his baby features, and getting taller. He's still skinny as a bean, but growing none the less!

He had a fantastic day. Every year I put streamers/crepe paper on the kids' bedroom door while they are sleeping the night before their birthday. So, that greeted Jacob when he woke up. Then, he opened our presents and we got ready to go to his soccer game. The coach said they made Jacob captain of the team today (they really don't have captains). We came home and I started the Swedish meatballs (Jacob's choice for his birthday dinner - go figure!). The grandparents and Aunt Bev & Uncle Jim arrived for dinner, presents, and cake & ice cream. The cake was made by Jacob's former and Kendall's current preschool aide. It was delicious! Jacob enjoyed all the festivities surrounding his birthday this year. He was in his glory!

ALL the birthday photos are HERE. I am currently putting together the birthday video and will share that when it's complete.

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