Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 9, 2009

Day #2 of the garage sale. The weather did not cooperate: cool and very windy. We were extremely slow, sold the last of our "big" items, and decided to close up early. We reconciled our revenue of $1,200 between Lisa and I. Not too shabby.

I brought the unsold stuff home and bagged them up for donation. Then, went to the grocery store and took down the garage sale signs posted at various intersections around the area. We grilled some chicken for dinner and had a quiet evening.

Mark did take the kids around the garage sales. Jacob was very upset that he lost a $5 bill he had in his pocket. The wind probably carried it far away.

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

That's great for a garage sale...we're lucky if we make $200 at any that we've had, living up in the country roads.

Also, good for you for donating the stuff that you didn't sell, instead of saving it for next year. That's how we do it, too. Nothing (but really big stuff) goes back in the house.