Monday, May 4, 2009

May 3, 2009

I ventured up 2 hours north to Clarkston, Michigan (NW of Detroit) for Catherine's bridal shower. A fellow teacher hosted the shower and it was out of Martha Stewart's handbook! You can tell from all who attended and the care taken with the shower how much Catherine is loved. My former college roommate is still thinking outside the box: post-reception-reception will be at a bowling alley and she requested going roller skating for her bachelorette party! Honeymoon in Alaska. Crazy girl!

It was also good to see Ann Marie (right in photo). We were able to catch up a little in person rather than just on Facebook! Gosh, it just dawned on me that these two ladies were in our wedding almost 13 years ago!

The kiddos enjoyed cleaning out the garage with Mark, playing in the sandbox, and having McDonald's for dinner. Of course, Jacob spent the day breaking in his new toys from his birthday, too.
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