Saturday, February 7, 2009

February 7, 2009

It must be a sign that spring will arrive eventually: Kendall found a ladybug in the bathroom! She and Jacob played with it before dinner. When we were about done with our tacos (thanks, Mom, for joining us!), we saw that the ladybug somehow found its way onto Kendall's chair. They were friends for life, literally (the ladybug's life, that is). The poor thing was handled and played with and coached to do tricks.....then, as all bugs that the kids find, it met its unavoidable death and into the garbage can it went!

Mark made three trips to Menards today, filling up the SUV with insulation. He is just finishing up for the day as I type this, but will soon have all the walls done. Tomorrow, he will tackle insulating the ceiling, which I expect to be trickier. I have uploaded lots of basement pictures...if you're interested, just click on the photo below.


TechChick said...

Your basement is going to look so nice when it's done - I'm so jealous!!

johnsarakylenesmom said...

He's doing a great job...can't wait to see it in person. I'll have to take pictures of our project this weekend.