Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 18, 2009

It was so nice outside today that the whole family got sunburned! I guess the sun caught us a little off-guard. We sure haven't seen weather in the 70's for quite a while.

It was a perfect day for Jacob's first soccer game of the season. He did exceptionally well (in my humble opinion!). His team may have only scored one or two goals, but he really kept up with the ball well and kept stealing it from the other team.

We then went straight from the soccer game to a birthday party at the YMCA pool. Jacob was hot & sweaty and Kendall was dirty from playing in the dirt during the soccer game, so the pool was a welcome sight. Kendall was non-stop grins in the water. However, all of Jacob's peers were in the water with no life preservers....I guess we'll need to work on swimming this summer.

Mark left from the soccer field to go golfing with his dad and father-in-law (hence, his sunburn). So, the kids and I ate dinner on the patio table and enjoyed the beautiful day while it lasted. I put the kids to bed by 7:30 because they were really dragging - but just like any other night I think they are really tired, I caught them both reading books in their rooms after "lights out."

Tomorrow is another day...
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1 comment:

TechChick said...

We should get Jacob and Sydney swimming together without wings on early this year! We'll bring Andrea over for inspiration - she was a super swimmer. Sydney now wants swim goggles, which I totally agree with :)