Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 2, 2009

Let there be light! And, there's plenty of it! The electrician got all the white can lights hooked and powered up. Wow! We may have gone overboard with the lighting :). I asked Mark if we can put in lower wattage bulbs. Oh, and I now can see several new areas of paint needing touched up! The electrician will finish up tomorrow. Oh, and a few more basement pictures here.

At about 6am, both Mark & I heard pitter-patter of little feet and some rummaging around in the kitchen. We both assumed it was Kendall and neither of us got up. She's an early riser and typically makes herself at home downstairs...she knows how to operate the remote control to tune the TV into either PBS or the Disney Channel and is content with that when she wakes up so early. Well, a bit later in the morning, I was getting breakfast ready and asked Jacob what he wanted and he said, "Apple Cinnamon Cheerios." I thought that was strange because he doesn't like that cereal, but children's tastes can be fickle, so I went ahead and got it out. I poured the cereal in the bowl and out came Captain Crunch....and a whole bunch of giggles from Jacob. Here, he got up early (at 6am), switched all the cereal between the boxes we had open, put them back, and went back to bed. I guess yesterday's talk of "April Fool's Day" carried over. I still can't believe he did that!! :) It does make me smile, though.

It was a beautiful, 60+ degree day - the trees are just getting buds here. We played outside and had lots of visitors throughout the day: Frankie in the morning, the electrician, a neighbor to drop off garage sale $, a personal delivery for the electrician, another neighbor to ask for computer help, another neighbor to drop off cookies I ordered, and we watched cute little Sydney and Zack (also neighbors) for a while tonight. For not going anywhere or doing anything in particular, it was a good and busy day.


TechChick said...

The Easter picture of Kendall is ADORABLE!! so cute! And I can't believe Jacob switched all of those boxes of cereal! Pretty darn sneaky ;)

johnsarakylenesmom said...

The Jacob story just made me laugh out loud!! What a creative guy he's going to be. Reminds me of his mother :)