Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 23, 2009

Today was filled with a trip to the grocery store, canvasing nearby neighborhood garage sales, and bringing a pizza to share with Mom at the Neowash house.

I was driving Kendall, Jacob and Frankie home from preschool this morning and heard their conversation in the was something about meeting Jesus in heaven (yes, the kids have pretty deep conversations!). I asked them what they thought Jesus looked like. Jacob replied quickly, "Like Qui-Gon." That is a character in the recent Star Wars movies. Yes, Jake does have Star Wars on the brain!! :)

Now, Kendall has been "April Fooling" us all month. Several times a day, she will say something wrong and then yell, "April Fools!" It goes something like this: "Mom, you have 3 arms.....APRIL FOOLS!" However, she has trouble pronouncing her "F's," so it sounds like APRIL SOOLS! Jacob keeps telling her April Fools Day is only on April 1st, but she doesn't care! She just has fun fooling us throughout the day. Here is a picture of her getting ready for bedtime stories tonight (full of giggles...even gave herself hiccups!)
OK - I found a picture of Qui-Gon (above). I guess he does look a little bit like Jesus with the hair, beard, and robe. And, I'm sure Jacob would think it is pretty cool if Jesus had a glowing, green stick, too! :)

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

More and more you're inspiring me to do something like're going to have so many good memories of the kids that may otherwise be forgotten. Maybe I just need to start a journal first. The other day, Sara got a new toothbrush, so I just threw her old one away, well...I guess I wasn't supposed to do that. She went into hysterics and wanted to get the old one out of the trash, but I told her that was gross. I told her to go write it on our grocery list and we would buy another one. Well, she went to write it on the grocery list and this is what she wrote "Dora toothbrush that looks like the uthr one that Mommy thro away". I just love these kids and how they keep making us laugh :)