Friday, April 10, 2009

April 7, 2009

(Happy Birthday, Dad!)

The kids are off school this week for Spring Break. The weather is quite chilly, so for fun this morning, we browsed Toys R Us. Since Jacob's birthday is coming up, I remembered that they do "wish lists" and thought Jacob would have fun "scanning" all the things he wanted for his birthday. He did scan a bunch of stuff, but didn't go overboard. I had visions of him just scanning everything he saw that he remotely liked. But, he took his time and "evaluated" each item to see if it was worthy of his list. Of course, there were a few very pricey things on his list...but he knows he won't get everything. It was fun.

Have I mentioned we have great neighbors?? I mentioned at playgroup yesterday that I wanted to get some painting done this week and Frankie's mom emailed later in the day to see if Jacob and Kendall would want to come to her house today so I could paint. Woo hoo! Little did she know that I underestimated the amount of time it would take me to repaint the basement staircase today! I told her about an hour and it ended up being closer to 3 hours! She *says* her kids and my kids played great and it wasn't a problem. I'm just grateful that I could get the whole job done at once with no interruptions. The staircase looks so much better! Here's some other misc. photos of the basement project (gotta love that toilet seat-grandma p would be proud!).
The kids and I ended up running to Menards, Home Depot, and Lowes tonight in search of someone to take pity on us and cut 2 measly floor tiles. No one would do it. Menards doesn't do such a thing and Home Depot and Lowes would if we had purchased the tile from them. Ugh.

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

What is the middle picture of, Jen? I can't figure it out from your blog? I'm finally catching up on your blog this morning while we wait for Kylene to wake up. The girls and I are going shopping while Daddy and John are fishing this morning. Hope you're having a good weekend.