Thursday, April 2, 2009

March 31, 2009

Kendall's Spring school pictures came in today. Very cute with the bunny and chicks. Too bad Jacob was home and missed pictures a couple weeks ago.

Since Mark finished the ceiling tile, he called the electrician to schedule him to come out and, literally, "finish up the loose ends." The electrician is coming out on Thursday, however, he told Mark that he doesn't cut the holes for the can lighting. Sooooo, Mark created a template and begun to cut the 34 holes in the ceiling tile tonight. He got about half done and will finish them up tomorrow, just in time for the electricians.

I keep forgetting to mention here (maybe it's because I just want to forget) that we had a casualty the other night. In order to hang a ceiling tile, Mark was taking down the stained glass, 3ft. long, pool table light that used to be his parent's. Well, one end of the chain broke through and the light crashed onto the pool table. Ugh. It busted about 15 panes of glass - enough for us to think it would not be salvageable. We ended up getting a track light over the weekend to replace it, but it's just not the same. Very sad....

I picked up more of the main green paint used in the basement. We ran out of it when we initially painted and I wanted to paint the cold air return register and the two electrical box panels. Well, when I was at Sherwin-Williams today, I told them how horrible the staircase paint job turned out. I talked to the guy about possible reasons why and by the end of our conversation he *gave* me another gallon of paint to re-do it. I am very grateful for that because the uneven-ness of the paint bothers me everytime I go down to the basement. Now, I just have to re-tape and re-paint. Woo Hoo!

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

I knew you wouldn't leave that alone :)