Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 11, 2009

Wow...all this painting has really put me behind on my blogging! Today, Mom took Jacob to and from school and was out and about with the kids (and Jacob came home with a "real tool kit"-photos above). That solo time allowed me to put the first coat on the bathroom - YUCK! Not the color itself, but the nature of the color. As I was painting, I began to remember people telling me how difficult red was to paint. Yep. And the man at the paint store mentioned two, possibly three, coats would be needed. He wasn't kidding. The first coat went on and was definitely not acceptable. Plus, my paint skills at the ceiling line were horrible. I used a "edge painter." It worked fine for the green paint, but not for the red.

I let the paint dry until the kids went to bed tonight. Then, I painted a second coat and fixed up my edge line at the ceiling. MUCH better. We will see what it looks like in the morning. Mark says not to worry about a third coat, but it will bug me if it doesn't look good.

Until tomorrow...

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