Monday, March 23, 2009

March 19, 2009

Have I mentioned Kendall loves to paint. It's usually a big mess....but I've learned to use a table cloth (even the "washable" paints can stain the table) and a smock! I gave her paper grocery bags today to paint.
Jacob is doing better today....whew! I hope he continues to get better. His cough is just nasty....deep and wet. No fever, though. I'm grateful for that today.
Tonight I enjoyed a couple hours at Ladies Night Out (LNO) with some neighbors at Panera Bread. Each month someone else coordinates the LNO. You pick a date, location, and send a mass email to the neighborhood. In the past we have gone to the art museum, comedy club, seminars, cooking class, salsa danced, out to dinner, etc. This month was my turn and I wasn't very inspired, nor was I in the mood for anything complicated. Panera Bread it was! When I got home, my conversation with Mark went like this:
M-Where did you go for LNO?
J-To Panera Bread.
M-Who picked that? (oblivious that I planned it)
J-I did, it was my turn to do LNO.
M- [chuckle and shakes head]
He thought it was a "nerdy" choice. Oh well, it was a success anyway. I met a couple new and very interesting neighbor ladies (an active-duty Navy pilot and a new neighbor from India).

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