Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 25, 2009

Kendall was thrilled to wear her raincoat and boots today, since it drizzled most of the morning. So, the highlight of their day was going to Anderson's with Mark and riding around the store in the "race car" cart! While they were at the store, I left for our annual Homeowners' Association Meeting. I am so glad not to be on the board anymore! Anyway, there was a vote passed to spend lots of money to re-do the entrance to the neighborhood....Mark is not too happy about that.

I took a picture of Jacob and Kendall today with their preschool Art Show creations. I figure now I can justify secretly throwing them out! That sounds kind of bad, but who saves all this stuff and where??? They are cute crafts, but we have 18-20 more years of school projects! I just have to make sure they don't see it in the garbage. :)

More pictures of the basement are here. We now have over 100 photos!

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