Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 8, 2009

This morning we went to church (yes, you read that right!). The kids sang with some of their preschool classmates. Plus, we had a lot to thank God for: Mark's job, our health, the ability to finish the basement, etc. Mark's parents helped us out again: they met us at church and took the kids to Cracker Barrel while Mark and I picked up the paint and got started painting the basement. When they got back home, Mark's dad changed clothes and helped us out again. We got everything painted except the staircase, bathroom and one accent wall. We almost ran out of paint, but were able to just finish the job.
Mark and his dad were calling me the "boss." I definitely have my ideas of what to paint, in what order, and how! They tried to appease me the best they could....:)

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