Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23, 2009

If you are reading this, you know I have finally updated the blog with photos and descriptions of the last week or so. My blogging was de-prioritized for many reasons and the children were patient with me today as I took the time to catch it up.

Jacob was back in school - happy to see his friends again and, at the same time, sad not to stay home with me. He (we) will get back in the routine again! Plus, it seems with the kindergarten schedule next year (every other day) he'll be home more than he is now!

We attended a birthday party for our little Brazilian neighbor, Veronica, who turned 2 years old. What a blast! It started at 5pm and we left at 8pm. Here are a couple pictures (kudos to Adriana for such a nice party) and I have a video I will post tomorrow. We took a "girl" photo. There were as many boys there, but we couldn't "round them up" for a picture! They were always on the move.

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