Thursday, March 5, 2009

March 4, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa P. stopped by to check out the work that the drywallers were doing. They are contemplating more kitchen renovations, so Grandpa P. talked to them and did a little "supervising!" The drywallers completed their work today! They started the wall texture in the afternoon and completed it. They just need to return in the morning to clean up. Mark and I are now priming all the walls/ceilings on Saturday. Then, it will be my job to paint next week. (10 more basement photos here)

It was a pleasant day, although still around 30 degrees. The kids spent a little time outside while Grandpa P. cleaned our garage and played cornhole with Jacob. Grandma P. pushed Kendall on the swings and both kids rode their bikes up and down the sidewalks.

The day was full of surprise visitors! Grandma C. stopped by later in the day to say, "hi!" The kids thought it was great to see so many grandparents in one day. Kendall had to call Grandma C. back and leave a message on the answering machine: she forgot to ask "how is Harley?" which is Kendall's standard conversation about their dog every time she sees Grandma & Grandpa C.
Until tomorrow...

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