Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 28, 2009

The tiling project has begun! I told Mark about the neighbor's tile and we picked it up at Menards this morning. We got this much laid out before we went to the in-laws for dinner (and to check out their kitchen renovations!). However, we discovered a low spot by the bathtub, at the drain end, where the cement is angled toward the drain. So, we stopped at Menards again tonight and picked up some leveling compound....and a toilet! I never thought I would be so excited about a toilet! :) And, we got a manual tile cutter. Mark is hoping that will do the job and we won't have to rent a wet saw.

Once we put down a little of the leveling compound, we'll have to let it dry a while. I'm not sure if we'll get it done this weekend afterall. But it should be done in a couple days.

Here's the link to the type of tile system we are using:

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