Monday, March 23, 2009

March 18, 2009

Jacob stayed home from school today again and had a relapse in the afternoon. He had a low fever and was lethargic. He told me, "I can't run, I can only walk slow." Poor kid. I had to call Frankie's mom to tell her we better not drive Frankie to/from preschool tomorrow, for fear he would catch it. Hopefully, we didn't get Frankie sick on Tuesday when he was over. Jacob will be home tomorrow for sure.
Mark has been continuing to hang the ceiling tile for the basement. He has the grid completed in the "theater" area and only the pool table/playroom area to go. His black ceiling tile doesn't come in until the 30th.
Kendall and I made chocolate chip cookies tonight to take into preschool tomorrow in preparation for their annual Art Show on Friday. The kids will not have school Friday - this allows the teachers time to set everything up. That means Jacob will have only gone to school Monday of this week! I hope he is on the mend soon.

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