Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 9, 2009

This morning I went to an inservice at preschool on dealing with "Challenging Children." There were only 9 other mom's there. Hmmm...we must be in the minority?? Anyway, I learned a few things and got some good tips.
After lunch, the kids went to our neighbor's house to play while I painted the back accent wall a deeper green. I picked the kids up, got the mail and received a nice card from another neighbor. We are so lucky to have the family, friends, and neighbors we do! What would we do without them?
Mark came home and said the wall I painted looked nice (it's the far, facing wall in the photo). Now, I will tackle the bathroom. It will be RED. That is a bit radical for us if you know what the rest of our house looks like. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

Is Kendall your "Challenging Child"? What tips did you learn that may be helpful? I'm always up for a tip on Challenging Children :) Hope you're having a good Saturday