Friday, March 13, 2009

March 12, 2009

Well, here is the RED bathroom. The photos really do make it look bright. We have no light fixtures in the room yet, so it's hard to tell what it will actually look like. It is a bit radical, but fun. I have decided to let it go at 2 coats of paint. Now, wait until Mark sees the floor tile I have picked out....more wild-ness!

Today Annette and her 2 children stopped by (Aubrey-3; Collin-18 mo.). I felt so bad because the house isn't very baby-proofed for Collin, so we just carried on a conversation while following him all around. It was good to see my friend of nearly 30 years and catch up! We should do that more often. Oh, and she got the job that I was a reference for last week. Woo hoo!

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