Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 2, 2009

The drywall guys were back this morning and I hosted playgroup here, so it was a little nutsy - in a good way! Let me tell you, our neighbors are some of the nicest people. It is always good to see the moms on Monday morning.

Speaking of nice people, I received a surprise package in the mail today. Pam, Mark's cousin and follower of this blog ;), sent me a cookbook for a belated birthday present. I LOVE cookbooks and this one looks interesting. It caters to cooking for children/picky eaters by "sneaking" healthy stuff in the food....carrots in meatloaf, applesauce in muffins, pumpkin in cakes, squash in spaghetti & meatballs, etc.

Jacob helped put his Star Wars sheets on his bed today. Tonight, he wore his Star Wars pajamas, his Star Wars underwear, and he slept with his stuffed Yoda! He was a happy kid.

Kendall was not so happy. Bedtime is such a battle. I thought we were doing good, as I've been having her pick out 2 books to read right after baths rather than at bedtime. Picking 2 books for her is hard and frustrating for me; it just ends the day badly and ruins my evening. Well, it was another struggle with the books she chose earlier in the night. So, I think I'm going to move the bookshelf (too many choices) out of her room and just leave a handful of books on her nightstand. I hate to do that, but if it makes bedtime more peaceful, without discipline and screaming, it will be worth it.

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