Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Found it!

My blogging mojo is back! I have now updated the blog back to May 14....happy reading! :) However, I have no pictures for the last 2 days. Mark is home on vacation this week and it's really upsetting my schedule - but in a good way. Well, I did COMPLETELY forget about Jacob's last soccer practice last night. We didn't go and I didn't even realize it until Mark asked me this morning! Oops.

Yesterday, the kids and I went to a picnic lunch with Jacob's preschool class and their teachers. The girls started chanting, "JACOB P**S" in a sing-song-y way on the playground. I then find out from the teachers that he is the romeo of the class (not by his choosing, I don't think). I guess the girls always chase him and want to sit next to him. The teachers even would not let one particular girl sit next to him, due to extra chit-chatting it would cause. Oh, my! I am a bit leery about this kind of attention!

We also purchased a vanity cabinet and top for the basement bathroom yesterday. And, we had a delicious dinner at Mom & Dad P's (hence, totally forgetting soccer practice).

Today, I cleaned out my closet, officially switching from winter to summer clothing. I also made a very sizable pile of clothes to donate. I figure if I've had the article of clothing for 15 years (yes, I had lots) OR it had big shoulder pads, it just has to GO. I didn't let go of EVERYTHING this time around, but I'm vowing to make another pass through the closet in the near future. :)

Then, the mail man delivered our Wii game system we bought off of eBay today. It came with 10 games and 4 controllers and lots of other accessories and add-ons. Mark and Jacob literally played it from about 1pm until 9:30 tonight, with a break for dinner. Jacob absolutely loves it and Kendall enjoyed playing a few of the games, too.

1 comment:

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