Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5, 2009

We got word last night that a small pack of coyotes have taken residence in the neighborhood. Many neighbors have seen them and heard them in their yards! A "trapper" has been contacted. I'm not sure how concerned I should be about this, but figured it was safe to eat lunch outside today! :)

Jacob is in full-scale LEGO mode with his birthday lego set from Grandma and Grandpa C. The set has 953 pieces and 5 instruction manuals. Kendall went to school this morning, "helped" me with the garage sale stuff, played in the sandbox, played in the dirt at soccer practice, etc....all in a beautiful, Easter-quality dress she picked out today. I'm hoping it will wash up nicely, as it soaks in stain remover....Other than hand-me-downs from Kim & Lisa, I buy most her clothes from the resale shop, so I don't panic too much! :)

Jacob asked at dinner tonight, "Can invisible people see each other?" Hmmm...

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

So, I'm busted, I'm going through your blog for the whole month of May because things have been so crazy!! I hope you don't think any less of me :)

There are no "good" dresses in our house...Sara wears no less than 3 dresses a day and does everything and anything in them. I figure she might as well enjoy them instead of just wearing them once or twice.