Monday, March 23, 2009

March 22, 2009

Well, we spent the morning painting the staircase to the basement - the final big painting project. Mark held an extension ladder while I did the painting. However, it turned out very blotchy - it's the same paint/color we used "in" the basement, but it didn't go on the same. I'm very disappointed and hoping it's better tomorrow once it dries more. I know Mark will not be a happy camper to learn we need to re-do it.

The afternoon was beautiful - in the 50's and sunny, a bit breezy. Again, the kids and I spent lots of time outside. I cleaned the interior of the car - even shampooed the floor mats. The kids played in the sandbox, with sidewalk paints, rode their bikes/scooters all over, and I grilled chicken for dinner. I even sat in a lawn chair for a bit and read more of "The Shack." What an addicting book! Christine mailed a copy to me and Kim M. & another friend also mentioned it to me, so I thought, "I better read this book!" I will be passing it to my mom after I'm done - she will really enjoy it, too.


johnsarakylenesmom said...

I'm glad you're enjoying The Shack. I can't wait to hear how you liked it after you're done. I definitely want to read it again in a year or two.

johnsarakylenesmom said...

So, how did the paint job look the next day? Are you going to have to repaint it? I'll have to get your method from you, we have a staircase we're going to have to paint when we paint the living room and entranceway.