Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24, 2009

Today we took Frankie to/from school and, wouldn't you know, he now has a cough, too! It's not as yucky as Jacob's, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him.

The kids and I made an impromptu trip out to see my parents. They are leaving for Los Angeles on Friday to visit my grandfather. I took out some magazine reading material for the plane ride (thanks, Lisa!!).

We came home and grilled some steak....yesterday morning's forecast for today was to be 65. Last night's forecast for today was to be 57. It didn't get past 47 degrees! My vision of grilling in mild weather was not reality! The food was good, none the less!

While fixing some accompaniments for the steak, I let the kids play with playdough. Why is that so messy? It makes me very uptight with all the "crumbs" on the floor, the colors inadvertently getting mixed together, and the bits stuck in the playdough tools. I don't do well with it, but the kids enjoy it. It actually gave me a headache - literally. Yes, I need to just chill out about it. :)

After dinner, we did a volcano experiment. Jacob learned about it in school and "taught" us all how to make the volcano explode.
I forgot to mention that Mark is DONE with the ceilings he has tile for. The black doesn't come in until next week. However, the last and largest area he completed didn't go well. He had to trim practically every ceiling tile. Little did he know, as he installed the grid, that his "guide" walls were not square. He got it done, though. I brought home a couple sample tiles today for the bathroom floor. Not sure if I like either one.

Here is the link to yesterday's birthday party video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrwgtH8w0Lk
Until tomorrow....

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

I am the same way with playdough...it drives me crazy and I have to calm myself down everytime the kids ask to play with it. I let them about every fourth time that they ask :)