Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1, 2009

Well, October is here and it sure did announce itself! Our weather has been unseasonably cold and blustery, down to 35 at night. I love being chilly at night and crawling into cold sheets! However, we did turn on the furnace last night....but kept it cool, just not "make-my-nose-run" cold. Fall is definitely my favorite season.

I did my seasonal decorating around the house. We will add our pumpkins a little later in the month. I'm hoping to find the old, rickety farmhouse (straight from a Halloween story) out in the middle of nowhere (well, between Swanton & Delta) where I found pumpkins for 10 cents/pound two years ago. Wow! The kids and I went traipsing through the country side last year with no luck of finding the place. However, I believe I passed it in May on my way home from Archbold. With any luck, we'll find it again....and the nice, old geezer (with no teeth) running the farm will still be around selling pumpkins!

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

We picked nine pumpkins out of our garden and some of them are definitely carvable. They're sitting in our landscaping right now until we get closer to halloween.