Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 14, 2009

We are on our second batch of Halloween candy! I love this time of year when I can get the Palmer's bulk Halloween chocolates at Meijer. You can choose a variety of gross body parts (my favorite is a big hairy ear) and other Halloween themes. Yum! Tonight after a good dinner, Jacob asked if he could have an eyeball and some lips for dessert. Any other time of year, that question would be pretty far-out!

Kendall and Jacob were not getting along today. Kendall came to find me and her story went something like this, "I want to be the boss. Jacob won't let me be the boss. I have a game and I want to be boss. Jacob doesn't want to play it. He says I'm little and he's a big boy. But I'm a big girl and want to be boss." Oh, boy.

Jacob's kindergarten teacher called tonight and I'm going to help in his room on the Monday's he has school. That should be interesting! I'm looking forward to it.

Mark ate dinner with us and then left for two nights for work. Sooo, I put the kids to bed early, got my p.j.'s on, and opened a bottle of wine. Next, is to read for a while. ahhhh....

When Mark gets home on Friday, we have someone coming in to measure the countertops and flooring for some estimates. Woo Hoo! I have to give Mark credit - he's been working in the basement until about 10 or 11 every night. It is really starting to come together. Just about all the base boards and other misc. molding/woodwork is done. There's one cabinet door (back of the audio cabinet) that he's trying to figure out. I have uploaded recent basement pictures HERE (scroll down to the most recent - doors/woodwork ones).

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