Friday, October 30, 2009

October 30, 2009

Kendall had her Fall Party today, with a costume parade and songs, and a gym full of craft and activity tables run by the moms. It was tons of fun. Grandma P's costume (lamb) was a hit. However, the dress drew so many compliments! Kendall and I ran errands all afternoon and everyone we made eye contact with had something to say about Kendalls halloween/Hello Kitty dress. It was just too cute!

Mark took today off to start on the main part of the floor. He wants to move the pool table back into place yet tonight since we're renting the dollies. The first picture was taken at 5pm. The second picture, from about the same perspective, was taken at 8:15pm. He has the rest of the weekend to finish: the playroom, storage/bedroom, and down the hallway. He's doing a great job! I've got the easy job: feeding him and keeping his water cup filled. :)

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