Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 19, 2009

<---Photo of Jacob's drawing. It looks like the car is running into the guy, but he says, "No, the man owns the car." I helped in Jacob's classroom today. It went well and was very interesting to observe the children, the classroom, the teacher.

It was our turn to "boo" the neighbors tonight. Kendall was sooooo excited and couldn't wait for it to get dark (at 7:30pm, I'm sad to point out). I had to peel Jacob away from Guitar Hero (he was playing with Mark). We all had fun sneaking up to the 2 houses, leaving our treats, ringing the door bell, and RUNNING! Kendall was especially good at this....the kept hushing Jacob so that we would be quiet and not get caught. However, her light-up sneakers were kind of a give-away! :)

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