Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 20, 2009

It was a beautiful day today - perfect for pumpkin picking! I DID find that farmhouse (Co Rd C (aka Archbold-Whitehouse) & 5-1) and bought all our pumpkins for 10 cents/pound. Now, he didn't have huge ones, but they were just fine for us. The largest weighed 22 lbs. The kids had fun picking them out. Oh, and I must retract from my earlier post: the owner has a full set of very nice teeth, just a little scruffy!

Aunt Bev called before we left and invited us over for lunch with her and Uncle Jim in their newly remodeled kitchen. Perfect timing! Kelsie was there, too. The sloppy joes and other goodies were delicious. The kitchen was fabulous. And the kids gobbled up their ice cream sandwiches. Thanks, Aunt Bev!

As we returned home, Grandma & Grandpa P. were just walking up to our front door. Perfect timing, again! Grandma P. brought over Kendall's Halloween costume that she made: a lamb. It is adorable. Kendall had it on tonight and looked very cute. Thanks, Grandma!

I also purchased a used laptop on eBay tonight. Oh, my! Now, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it's a good one....it was $80 less than the average selling price of 42 laptops I have "watched" on eBay over the last 5 days. Hmmm....we'll see how it is when I get it! Again, fingers crossed!

(I also fixed the photos on last week's post of Kendall's field trip...the pictures were erroring.)

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