Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 21, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KIM! (my wonderful SIL)

Both kiddos had school today, I tried to catch up on some laundry and straighten up the house. The weather was beautiful, so the kids played outside after school - it felt so good. Tonight was bunko, which I forgot about as I put a pork roast in the crockpot this morning. I didn't eat the whole meal, but the roast was sooo tender, it cut and melted in your mouth like butter. I have yet to figure out why some roasts cook up like that and others are like a sole of a of life's mysteries! :)

I was off to bunko....Michelle always hosts the October bunko because she goes ALL OUT at Halloween....fully decorated to the hilt. We were to wear a costume and I went as the Swine/H1N1 Flu. Kendall colored my pig ears for me.

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

It's pictures like this that make me wish I lived there or you lived here so I could go to things like that with you. It looks like you have so much fun and I miss you so much!!