Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5, 2009

Jacob was home from school, so we went to "Playground World" with playgroup in the morning while Kendall was at preschool.

This after noon, I tackled the laundry is clean and sparkly now. It gets to a point where I leave the laundry room "angry" because it's such a mess. Ugh.

Then, we all went to the library. I didn't take our current supply of library books back - they aren't due for a couple weeks. I just needed to pick up "Finding Faith" by Jodi Picoult for the church book club. However, we left with another armload of books. Luckily, we keep pretty good track of them all.

Mark is installing molding around the doors that he and his dad hung on Saturday. It's looking good!

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