Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 25, 2009

Yesterday brought us Jacob's last soccer game - and it was the first that he didn't score at least one goal. Way to go, Jacob. It was such a fun season to watch Jacob improve and get aggressive.

Yesterday afternoon was Uncle Les' memorial in Pittsford, MI. We mingled a bit with family (why don't we get together more often?) over desserts at the church.

On the way home, we stopped at a large flooring outlet in Adrian. We brought a bunch of samples of laminate flooring home to see what matches the best.

Today, Grandma & Grandpa P came over and we just lounged. I've been fighting a cold and have felt yucky, so Mark actually did the "necessity" grocery shopping. What a guy!

The kids had fun helping clean and organize in the basement (photo).

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