Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 13, 2009

This is how Jacob is supposed to sleep. Last night he slept-walked. He's done it a few times before without much ado. However, last night he proceeded to go to the bathroom in our kitchen garbage can...he lifted the lid like he does the toilet seat! Mark and I were a bit shocked...Mark yelled and woke him up. I guess you're not supposed to do that, but in the 'heat of the moment' it was the only reaction we had! After doing a little research online and posting a question about it on Facebook, it now seems like this is very common in boys. Hopefully, we'll grow out of this soon!

Speaking of growing, Jacob also went to Nathan's house right after school today. That was a first. He's such a homebody that he usually just wants to go home after school(and have Nathan come to our house). I'm glad he finally felt comfortable enough to leave me at the bus stop and go home with Nathan. Also, he bought lunch in the cafeteria for the first time today. Again, his comfort level is building which is a good thing. However, school lunches cost $2.25 - seems expensive to me! At this rate, though, it will take him all year to use up the $20 I put on his lunch account.

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

Wow, that is a lot...we pay $1.50 for lunches. I let the kids know what is on the menu everyday and then they pick if they're going to buy or pack.