Saturday, October 3, 2009

October 3, 2009

Wow! This weather about has me homebound! Cold. Damp. Windy. Jacob had to be at his soccer game today an hour early for team pictures. Jacob wasn't so bothered by the weather, he was running around scoring one of the two goals from his team! However, I was ready for a hot cup of tea when we got home after two hours on the soccer field.

I enjoyed my tea with Mark's mom. They had come over so Mark's dad could help hang the rest of the doors in the basement. While the men were working we took the kids to JoAnn Fabrics and to Toys R Us. I think I mentioned we resorted to bribery to help Jacob stop his tears at school. It worked and he earned his reward from Grandma: an army aircraft carrier. It was on his Christmas list last year, so he was thrilled.


johnsarakylenesmom said...

Bribery seems to be the best thing sometimes...have I told you that we used that to get John to stop sucking his thumb? He got a Nintendo DS and now Sara is two weeks from getting hers. (They had to stop sucking fingers/thumbs for two months)

johnsarakylenesmom said...

BTW, glad that you're updated...I've missed seeing your blog updates :)