Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28, 2009

Mark is anxious....he's supposed to wait 48 hours to let the laminate get acclimated to the environment. Well, I guess he just couldn't wait any longer!

Kendall had picture day at school. Jacob and I surprised Mark with a visit at his work. We then shopped both Gymborees in the area looking for particular things on behalf of Kim for Kennedy(and Kendall and Jacob!) and ran into relatives: Uncle Euie and Aunt Sally and cousin Linda. :) The lady who came out and measured 10 days ago for carpet and countertops finally stopped over this afternoon with her estimates (that's the last we will be seeing of her). A neighbor girl (Izzy) came over to play for a little bit. Fixed a good pork chop dinner. I had a great time at book club tonight.

It was a busy, fun day. We'll see what tomorrow brings...

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