Thursday, October 1, 2009

September 30, 2009

Now, onto Jacob's latest obsession: PAPER AIRPLANES. They are everywhere....on the floor, in the chairs, on the counter, behind the couch, on his dresser, in his closet, and on and on. I had him gather some up (yes, there are more!) and get a picture with them. To fuel the fire, he picked out some "how-to" books on building paper airplanes last week at the library. It is fun to have flying contests with all his different models.
Kendall was with me today as I got pulled over by the Maumee police. I turned left into a local gas station, across a double yellow line. The police officer pulled up behind me with lights flashing at the pump. Luckily, he just gave me a warning. You tell me there are no police/traffic violation quotas on the last day of September!

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

I remember my mom being pulled over for speeding when Beth and I were about our kids' ages...we thought for sure we were going to jail and I think my mom was frustrated and didn't alleviate those fears :)