Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 1, 2009

Welcome, June! I officially took 216 pictures in May (my record high!), though not all of them are good! LOL

Mark took one more day of vacation and finished staining his cabinets and got one coat of polyurethane on some of them. Boy, is that a stinky job.

I met Alice, Kim, & Kennedy at Levis Commons for a quick Gymboree fix. We had a 20% off coupon and everything in the store was an additional 30% off - plus, they had their sale bins out (always a good sign) we did get some deals - we are such Gymboree Geeks! I also got a dress for Catherine's upcoming wedding while we were shopping. Catherine asked me to be an usher and her bridal party is choosing their own black dress. So, I found least I'll match.

After dinner, the kids and I went over to Lisa's to give Sydney her birthday present. We also got fed cake and ice cream - YUM! We stayed much too late (sorry, Lisa)...I didn't realize it was 8pm before we left. The kids were tired from a couple of fun-filled days, so they went to bed in "melt-down mode!" Ugh.

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