Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 17, 2009

I took Kendall this morning to pick up some ballet shoes for her dance camp next week. We must have jinxed ourselves because Kendall fell off the swing set and broke her arm at about 4:10 this afternoon. Anna was over and the kids were drawing with chalk on the swing set platform. I was reading the mail on the deck. Ironically, Jacob had his newly repaired camera and was video-ing when Kendall fell. The video is below.

I put ice on Kendall's arm and called our neighbors across the street. Dr. Glenn is an orthopedic surgeon and, luckily, was home. I took Kendall over there and he confirmed that it was a break and put a splint on it for us. He recommended St. Vincent Medical Center because they have a pediatric trauma unit. He wasn't sure if the bones were displaced and would need "realignment" and St. V's would be better equipped for a 3-year-old little girl. So, I left a voicemail on Mark's work phone, Jacob went to Anna's house, and we were off by 4:50pm.

St. V's was great! So much better than our ER trip to Toledo Hospital for stitches. We were checked in and IN A ROOM within 15 minutes of arrival. Wow! The worst part of the whole trip was the x-rays. Kendall had to turn her arm which was painful. The x-rays showed that both her radius and ulna were fractured (her bones are still soft, so they were more 'bent' than 'fractured'). No realignment necessary, thank goodness. The doctors put a temporary cast on her arm, gave us a prescription for the pain, we were discharged. We dropped the prescription off and drove through McDonald's while we waited for it to be filled. We were home by 9:15pm.

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