Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 18, 2009

Today was a day of recuperation! The night went well. Kendall woke up once, I gave her some pain medicine, and she seemed to fall back to sleep easily.

I think Kendall thoroughly enjoyed the extra spoiling. By about noon, she had acquired 10 get well cards, two balloons, one stuffed animal, and a bag of candy/cookies!! I think Jacob is starting to plan his bone break to get in on all the goodies!

The grandparents stopped by and visited most of the afternoon. Grandpa P took Jacob to the driving range to hit a bucket or two of golf balls....that was great! Grandma C brought over some pizzas to fix for lunch and Grandma P kept an eye on Kendall while I ran to the grocery store for a few things.

Mark golfed tonight and by the end of the day, I was whipped. I slept last night, and will again tonight, with Kendall....just to make sure she's OK. :)

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