Monday, June 29, 2009

June 27, 2009

Mark and I drove up to Rochester, MI Friday night for Catherine's (my college roommate) wedding. I was an usher, so we were invited to the rehearsal and then dinner at Catherine's house afterwards. On Saturday morning, we all met at a salon at 8:30am to get our hair done and have some breakfast. Her wedding was at noon, so we then headed straight to the church to change and get ready for the ceremony. The wedding was beautiful! At the reception, Catherine put me in charge of serenading Gar (her husband). I had to coordinate it with all the ladies at the reception! It was a fun time. After the reception, Catherine and Gar had rented out a bowling alley, but Mark and I had to skip that to pick up the kids who stayed the night with Grandma & Grandpa C. at the lake.

The kids had a great time at the lake and Jacob swam without arm floaties. Kendall said she couldn't stop laughing when it was bedtime the night before! I'm sure there were plenty of giggles since she and Jacob share a bunk bed. :)

with Catherine

with Mark at the reception
We didn't stay for more than a few minutes at the lake. We were off to see my friend-from-second-grade, Christine, and her family in town from upstate New York. They were at Grandma T's house in Berkey just for Saturday night to attend a graduation party on Sunday. It was so good to see her and John. Their kiddos have grown so much and are so cute!

with Christine!

Kylene, Sara, John, Jacob, Kendall

It was a busy couple of days, but it was filled with good, old friends near and dear to us!

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

It was so good to see you, my friend!! Glad we finally got to make the blog :)