Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!!! The kids were so excited to give Mark their gifts. Before school was out, Kendall painted a prayer rock and Jacob made a bird house. They were very proud of their gifts and Mark enjoyed them. We also got Mark 2 tickets to see Chickenfoot, a new band with Sammy Hagar, Joe Satriani, and Michael Van Halen. I'm hoping he takes me! :)

This afternoon, Mark and Jacob played golf with Mark's dad and my dad. Then, we all (my parents and us) met over at Mark's folk's house for a cookout. The steaks and company were excellent.

Jacob ended up staying the night there. Kendall gets her "real" cast tomorrow. Our neighbor across the street, Izzy's dad, is putting the cast on. Hopefully, that goes well. Kendall is doing really well. We've gone a whole day without any medicine. The swelling is down and she's as active as she is normally.

We'll see what tomorrow brings......

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