Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June 16, 2009

Today's synopsis: Safety Township, morning errands, weeded some of the front flowerbed, Kendall napped, Jacob caught a toad with Anna, registered Kendall for a Fairy Tale Dreams dance camp next week, we got Mark his father's day gift (shhh...), Mark wasn't home for dinner, so tonight we had lunch for dinner!, took the kids out for ice cream after "dinner," I did my walk/run while the kids biked beside me.

The surprise came in the mail. On Friday (today is Tuesday, mind you) I mailed Jacob's Bean camera back to the manufacturer (under warranty)....the toggle button/joystick thingy didn't work and the clip seemed to be loose - I was afraid to clip it on anything for fear it would fall off. Well, a new camera arrived in the mail TODAY! Wow! They must work weekends! LOL Plus, I can't believe they sent a new one with all the accessories. They specifically told me not to mail them any of the cords, software, etc. when I sent the first camera to them. Very nice. Especially since both "issues" with the original camera were probably from inappropriate use by a certain, unnamed little boy! :) Jacob is happy to have his camera back.

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

TechChick said...

Good deal on the new camera!! Hope it holds out better than the first one.
I can't wait to see Kendall's dance class, what fun!