Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 6, 2009

We let Jacob buy his first wii game. Picture to the left. :)

The bad excitement today was that we got graffitied last night. Mark got the paper this morning and said "MEN" was spray painted in black on our sidewalk. Then, "Sorry Wrong House" was spray painted in white on our newly sealed blacktop driveway! A neighbor called to say someone wrote a very bad obscenity across another neighbor's garage doors and yet another neighbor's mailbox. Mark and Kendall went for a walk and noticed between our house and next door, some more obscene stuff was spray painted. Later, the neighbor called back because they found out who did it (a 14 yr. old kid in the neighborhood and his friend) and they apologized to the 'garage door people' and will be replacing/painting the door. I went out to clean the rest of my windows and found much worse graffiti on our sidewalk towards the northern edge of our property (F word and a huge drawing of male anatomy). Oh, my! Then, I called the mother immediately. She wasn't aware her son had done even more damage.....and she was in the middle of her 12-year-old twins' birthday party! Poor lady. They all came over tonight....the 2 boys, 1 mom, 2 dads to clean up. The neighbor boy teared up when he apologized to me. Ugh. As I am writing this at 9:20 pm, I hear car doors and the power washer has stopped. They must be done for tonight. Hopefully, most of the paint came off.

As I mentioned, I finished all the windows took about 4 hours to do 18 panes of glass, inside & out, and hose the screens for most of them. Some screens I cannot remove because of the particular blinds we mounted. I use those microfiber cloths (one wet and one dry) and plain water to clean the windows. They do a good job, no streaks, and it's quick. The kids played outside most of the day while Mark put second and some third coats of polyurethane on his cabinets. He thinks the third coat will be the charm!

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