Wednesday, June 3, 2009

May 31, 2009

See all Cedar Point pictures here.

Due to rain in the forecast, we bumped up our trip to Cedar Point a day early! What a good time we had! We (Mark, Jacob & I) went with Kim, Joe and Tyler. The two little ones stayed with Grandma & Grandpa P and got spoiled at Build-A-Bear!

I was very impressed that Tyler (almost 9) rode every single roller coaster he could, including Topspeed Dragster TWICE! He definitely made the most of his time at Cedar Point. Jacob was still too short for the big rides, but could go on the kiddie roller coaster and rides in "Planet Snoopy." Kennedy was right in between....she could ride about 5 big coasters, but chose to do only a couple. She kept Jacob company on the kiddie rides and seemed happy to ride them with him.

Mark and I hadn't been to Cedar Point in probably 10 years. Much has changed. There were many new coasters and some rides were gone that we remembered. The train was the same....with the surprise gun fire and skeleton scenes along the way. Such fun.

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